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January 16, 2014 - Newsletter

KolorStruck Funded


Thanks for your help.

January 14, 2014 - Newsletter

KolorStruck Funding



Here we are, with only 24 hours to go! We have raised $21,535.00. We are only $3,465.00 away from meeting our goal! Can you help today because if you wait until tomorrow it will be too late. Donate today so we can tell the story of a NEW AMERICAN DREAM!!! If you desire to give or increase your current pledge the link is as follows:.

  1. Make a contribution today.
  2. Share the link with your friends and business contacts.
  3. Share on all of your social media platforms (Share On Twitter, Share on Facebook, IG etc.)

Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts and I know with you, we will be successful in our efforts. The link to become a supporter of this project is here. All you need to do is click the link and become a supporter today!

Blessings JLW

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Dr. Joseph Williams shares about helping others during the 2019 government shutdown.
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