Next Steps
Next Steps Class formerly known as New Members Class, offers the opportunity to learn more about Salem Bible church its’ history, leadership and core beliefs. Classes are held virtually the 1st Saturday of each month.
Serving is at the heart of the mission of Salem Bible Church. This is your opportunity to meet and fellowship with others; and to serve within the church and local community. Signup for a ministry or community volunteer opportunities.
Needing prayer? Our Elders, Ministers and Intercessors are here to pray God’s word back to Him on your behalf. Submit your prayer request or call the church office at 404-792-0303.
Baptism is an exciting moment and the next step in your spiritual journey. Water baptism is an outward sign symbolizing our faith which represents the cleaning power of Christ as our personal testimony. Baptism is held at both SBC Atlanta and SBC Stonecrest at the 11 a.m. service.